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IMVO launches Corporate Strategy 2021-2023 focusing on operational excellence

23rd June 2021

The IMVO Board has recently signed off IMVO’s first Corporate Strategy covering the period 2021-2023.

Since 2017, IMVO has prioritised meeting our obligations to set up the Irish Medicines Verification System (IMVS) and connecting over 2000 pharmacies, hospitals and wholesalers, as well as onboarding over 300 marketing authorisation holders whose pack data is hosted in the IMVS. Our focus from now until 2023 is operational excellence and developing a culture that consistently delivers value to our members, employees, and users of the IMVS through excellence in everything we do. This will be important as we support IMVS users in moving out of ‘use and learn’ and meeting their FMD obligations in full. Activity to achieve operational excellence will be built around four strategic pillars:

  • Strong governance
  • System stability and usability
  • Patient safety and alert management
  • Partnerships and collaboration

The strategy envisions the IMVO of the future as a collaborative, trusted partner supporting the Irish healthcare system in protecting Irish patients from falsified prescription medicines and working seamlessly with EMVO and other NMVOs to deliver an integrated pan-European verification system.

The strategy document is available to download here.